Wednesday 12 October 2005

Simple Meal of "Jook"

Occasionally we would indulged on a simple meal of Jook (rice porridge in Cantonese). The Cantonese usually cook their jook with a whole load of ingredients inside where else the Teo Chews serves their jook separately with the accompanying dishes. Hubby likes to have plain jook with fried cooked kembung (mackerel in Malay where it is usually sold pre-boiled), hence I'll just add on maybe omelette and salted duck eggs to complete the simple meal.

To cook plain jook, just boil some rice with loads of water. Sorry ok cos I only guesstimate my way, hence I can't give you the exact proportion. Anyway, it's better not to use too much water cos one can add hot water along the way to adjust to the consistency of the jook. Some like it thick but I liked mine slightly watery. Usually take me about 30 mins to 45 mins to cook up a pot, again depending on the heat of your stove too. Can also use the rice cooker to cook jook but I don't like the consistency.

This round I have fried cooked kembung, a bell pepper omelette and salted duck eggs. Easy peasy meal for lazy weekends, especially.

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